Recent News
USC Sumter Fire Ant Athletics Hires Fundraising Coordinator
After a series of recent collegiate national championships, it is no secret that the state of South Carolina has a unique ability to mold high-performing athletes in a multitude of sports. These student athletes start playing at a young age, spending e...
Apr 24, 2017, 5:00am EDT
Gagne to Address USC Sumter Graduates
USC Sumter's annual Commencement ceremony will be held Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. in the USC Sumter Nettles Building Auditorium. Beverly Gagne will address the graduates. A Native of Sumter, Gagne appeared in the register of Who's Who a...
Apr 20, 2017, 2:16pm EDT
USC Sumter to Host Summer Camps for Kids
SUMTER, SC - The University of South Carolina Sumter is expanding summer camp options for students ages 9-14 beginning June 19 through June 30, 2017. Typically, students have the option of attending a science and/or a writing camp on campus in the s...
Apr 6, 2017, 2:36pm EDT